With diversity, equality, and inclusion being such dynamic concepts, organizations are always on the lookout for collaborators who can help them navigate these complex issues and make a difference. Bakau Consulting, originally Cicely Blain Consulting, is a shining example of an anti-racism consulting firm. Cicely Belle, Katya, and Koshiki’s vision for a Vancouver-based brand that promotes justice and fairness via an intersectional lens sets it apart. Bakau Consulting is causing a stir in the field of organizational development with its dedication to collective freedom and its forthright approach to “diversity and inclusion.” The firm offers education, advice, and transformational solutions.
A Botanical Connection: The Origins of Bakau Consulting’s Name
The origins and history of the Bakau people are deeply ingrained in the name. Since the founder’s maternal ancestors first settled in Bakau, a town on The Gambia’s Atlantic coast, the place has special meaning. Bakau, with its stunning beaches, crocodile pool, and floral gardens, is a metaphor for the company’s dedication to progress, variety, and the interdependence of all forms of life. Bakau Consulting’s objective is driven by deeply ingrained beliefs, and its link to heritage reinforces that.
Systemic Change via Bakau’s Vision and Mission: Strategic Services
With a focus on strategic equity and inclusion-based project management, Bakau Consulting aspires to be a frontrunner in the fight for collective freedom by implementing positive transformation in companies. Not content to limit itself to consultancy, the firm has taken up the cause of social justice advocacy as an essential component of organizational growth. With an unwavering dedication to societal transformation, Bakau Consulting aspires to lead the fight for a fairer and more equal society.
Holistic Approach to Diversity and Inclusion: Bakau’s Workshop Offerings
Bakau Consulting’s strategy is built around a range of services that are specifically tailored to assist businesses in their pursuit of equality and inclusion. As a whole, their policies, audits, keynote speeches, in-person consultations, and workshops make up an extensive toolbox for transforming organizations. Workshops are available that go further into intermediate and advanced levels for a more nuanced understanding, as the firm highlights the value of education as a catalyst for change.
Workshops: Developing a Productive Toolkit for Lifelong Education
Bakau’s seminars are full of energy and have a real effect, as they equip participants with the skills they need to apply in many areas of life via the use of skill-building viewpoints. Their approach acknowledges that diversity and inclusion training is an ongoing process, offering not just a course of action but also its nourishment with an intrinsic sense of purpose required for a long-term commitment.
What’s more, Bakau provides a targeted, impactful, and progressive learning experience by recommending core seminars and expanding on them in intermediate and advanced sessions. Learning is the foundation of transformative action, and its goal is to equip people and organizations to see injustice, think critically, and act. Check out how Bakau can transform your business leadership acumen and help you scale your business to newer heights. Visit here.
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