Think again if you believe your company is secure. Good fences may make good neighbours, but when it comes to the internet, you need to make sure those barriers are fortified. With more businesses selling their services over the web, the threat of cybercriminals generally looms large, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which have greater vulnerabilities than their larger counterparts.
That’s when CyberCatch comes in. CyberCatch, headquartered in San Diego, has created a system to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in identifying the fundamental causes of ransomware attacks and data breaches. Read on to know more about the company and its founder.
A Brief about CyberCatch
CyberCatch, founded in the year 2019 by Sai Huda, is a one-of-a-kind Cybersecurity SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) startup that defends small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) against cyberattacks by concentrating on the core cause of their vulnerability: security flaws. It offers a unique cloud-powered SaaS platform, as well as significant subject matter knowledge, to assist SMBs in implementing the appropriate type and number of cybersecurity measures.
The technology then automates control testing in three dimensions: outside-in, inside-out, and social engineering. It creates the Cyber Breach Score to continually assess cyber risk, and it discovers security gaps and leads the SMB to quickly correct them so that attackers can’t get in and infect ransomware or steal data by exploiting any missing or broken controls.
The CyberCatch platform assists small and medium-sized enterprises in implementing the appropriate controls, after which the platform automatically and continuously examines the controls to detect control failures, allowing business owners to correct them quickly and remain secure from attackers. And the best part is, that all of this can be executed without costing a fortune.
They are driven by a desire to provide maximum value to business owners since they believe that SMEs are the economy’s growth engine. The brand’s objective is to safeguard small and medium-sized businesses against bad actors so that business owners or entrepreneurs may stay secure, develop their businesses, create employment, and make this world a much better place.
CyberCatch – Protecting SMEs from the Unknown Share on X
A Few Lines about the Founder and CEO of CyberCatch
Sai Huda is the founder, CEO, and chairman of CyberCatch. He is a worldwide known risk and cybersecurity expert, the author of the bestselling book “Next Level Security”, and a regular keynote speaker at several industry conferences.
He was formerly the founder and CEO of Compliance Coach, an avant-garde compliance risk management Saas-powered firm that was bought by FIS, a Fortune 500 company and the world’s biggest FinTech company.
Sai Huda was the General Manager of Risk, Information Security, and Compliance at FIS, where he took the company to the top spot in the RiskTech100. He has delivered training seminars for state and federal examiners on topics like information security, privacy, the FTC Safeguards Rule, the GLBA, and consumer protection.
Sai Huda also oversaw the launch of the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) examiner training program. He is a member of the CCOE’s (Cyber Centre of Excellence) board of directors as well as an advisory board member of the CIO Strategy Council.
About the Services Provided by CyberCatch
CyberCatch provides a lot of cutting-edge services and solutions for SMEs to stay safe and protect business data from getting violated or breached.
- Cyber Incident Simulator: Since NIST 800-171 security standards 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3 necessitate an Incident Response Plan as well as Testing of the Plan, it’s a must-have for defence contractor businesses. Small and Medium-sized Enterprise owners should develop and test an Incident Response Plan on a regular basis. Otherwise, business owners will be unable to respond as well as recover from a cyberattack, resulting in irreversible damage.
For information regarding Cyber Incident Simulator, you can go through this brochure to learn more.
- Automated Controls Testing: CyberCatch ensures that the essential controls are implemented, and then they regularly test the controls to detect and correct control failures as soon as possible, allowing SMEs to remain safe from attackers.
For information regarding Automated Controls Testing, you can go through this brochure to learn more.
- Continuous Compliance Assessment: Small and medium-sized business owners may not know which standards to follow, which controls to install, and how to do it. This is when CyberCatch enters the picture. The CyberCatch platform assists business owners in implementing the essential controls, allowing business owners and entrepreneurs to focus on expanding businesses while being protected from attacks. They ensure all the essential controls are implemented using a mix of training, technology, and subject matter experts, and then they monitor to ensure that business owners remain compliant.
For information regarding Continuous Compliance Assessment, you can go through this brochure to learn more.
For more information regarding CyberCatch and its founder – Sai Huda, you can simply scroll through their official website by visiting