Key Advice To Small Business Owners During These Challenging Times By Bertrand Stern-Gillet

Small Business Canada

Bertrand is the CEO of Peninsula Canada, the Canadian division of the Peninsula Group – the largest global provider of HR and Health & Safety advice and consultancy services. Bertrand is the youngest member of the Peninsula board, overseeing all the major decisions, operations and resources of company, and heading its expansion across Canada. Previously, Bertrand served as Legal, Advisory & HR Director at Peninsula UK, as the CEO of Croner-i in the UK, and practiced employment and criminal defence law.

What is your key advice to small business owners during these challenging times? And what steps should they take to keep their small business afloat during the current crisis?

There is no doubt that the past months have been challenging for small businesses in Canada. Business owners have had to grapple with how to keep business running despite restrictions, and keep employing staff, all while adhering to government guidelines and ensuring health and safety in their workplaces. At Peninsula, we have seen that small businesses need support now more than ever before through the dramatic increase in calls to our advice line and demand for our HR and health and safety advisory services.

 In order to survive these uncertain times, it is vital that business owners continue to adapt and react to the changes presented by COVID-19 by making decisions that will drive their business forward in new ways. Being proactive and assessing what areas need improvement, where costs can be cut, how work processes can be made more efficient – these decisions will determine the success of your business in the months to come. In already challenging times, the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Maintaining control of the business, with a particular focus on costs, will be essential to steering through the current crisis. Most businesses have taken a financial hit with the onset of lockdown and restrictions. Paying attention to keeping costs low will help businesses stay afloat during financial difficulties.

 At the same time, businesses should be careful not to cut corners with the quality of their service or product. Compromising on quality will only hinder your business and lose the trust of your customers and clients. 

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