Lynn-Marie Angus: Telling Indigenous Stories Through Wellness Products. 

CanadianSME Small Business Magazine

Sisters Sage is an Indigenous wellness brand that uses traditional knowledge and medicines to create beautiful self-care and wellness products. The sustainable brand hand-makes soaps, salves, smokeless smudge sprays, and bath bombs keeping Mother Earth in mind. 

Lynn-Marie Angus is a co-founder of Sisters Sage. She was born and raised in East Vancouver, Canada and belongs to the heritage of Gitxaala, Nisga’a, and Metis Nations. Coming from both the West Coast and the prairies, Lynn-Marie started Sister Sage with her sister Melissa-Rae Angus to celebrate and share their culture enthusiastically. 

Lynn-Marie has a culinary background and has worked in the construction industry for five years. She had a busy year when she took steps to further her education, graduating from UBC’s Aboriginal Management Program and BCIT’s Project Management Program in June 2019 while co-founding Sisters Sage.

Image Courtesy httpssisterssagecomcollectionsfrontpage

Sisters Sage started business in September 2018 when Lynn-Marie was working in highrise construction, where she suffered racism and sexual harassment. She felt stuck in a toxic work environment that was not kind to women, especially an Indigenous one, which escalated to her being diagnosed with PTSD and major depression caused by her workplace. 

During this time, Melissa was pregnant with her first baby and was struggling to find a permanent home in Vancouver. In such a situation, the sisters decided to take a positive change and go into business together. However, they were mindful that their business endeavour must be Indigenous-inspired and support their mental, emotional, cultural, spiritual and financial growth. 

Sister Sage is an Indigenous wellness brand that uses traditional indigenous ingredients to create modern self-care and wellness products. The business grew out of a need to change what the sisters were doing with their lives and to create something to help others, positively showcase their culture to share with the world, and gain financial independence. 

Having an interest in artisan soaps and bath bombs followed by much research and testing, they created a line of products that pay homage to their Indigenous heritage. Their products are their way of sharing a tiny piece of their culture with others, like the Smokeless Smudge Spray, which combines traditional fragrances of Sweet Grass and Tobacco Leaf. 

Image Courtesy httpssisterssagecomcollectionsfrontpage

Realizing that there is a real and unacceptable socio-economic gap between Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples in British Columbia and Canada, Sisters Sage works hard to close that gap, paving the way and inspiring other indigenous entrepreneurs. Through their business, they share their products with the customers and show that hard-working young indigenous entrepreneurs are out there.

Sisters Sage is committed to producing beautiful, Indigenous-inspired products that highlight the rich Indigenous culture, promote environmental sustainability, and inspire future female and youth entrepreneurs. They consider it important to leave as little footprint on Mother Earth as possible and strive to use only eco-friendly materials. All their products are vegan or vegetarian and cruelty-free. Sister Sage ensures its products contain minimal ingredients, are safe to go down the drain, smell good, and feel good for our planet.

Sister Sage is committed to their community and company as they believe business can be a force for good. They are building a platform around the idea to highlight their rich culture, promote sustainability, and teach, lead and inspire future youth and female entrepreneurs.

Sister Sage strives to create meaningful products with a story to tell and finds no greater satisfaction than knowing their products benefit their customers. To learn more about their products, visit their website  

Lynn-Marie Angus is an inspiration for Indigenous women as she creates sustainable Indigenous wellness products and contributes to the community’s growth. To read more on such inspiring stories and initiatives, subscribe to CanadianSME Small Business Magazine For the latest updates, visit our Twitter page at @canadian_sme.

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With an aim to contribute to the development of Canada’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s), Cmarketing Inc is a potential marketing agency and a boutique business management company progressing rapidly in its scope. By acknowledging a firm reliance of the Canadian economy over its SMEs, the agency has resolved to launch a magazine, the pure focus of which will be the furtherance of Canadian SMEs, and to assist their progress with the scheduled token of enlightenment via the magazine’s pertinent content.
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