2023—A Year to Embrace Change and Seize Opportunities

2023—A Year to Embrace Change and Seize Opportunities

A new year typically triggers strong sentiments of optimism for many. It’s the ideal time to embrace a fresh start or launch new ideas. But this year marks a time of significant opportunity for business because—to riff off an old adage—the best time to change is when things are changing. And change we have.

The radical shifts organizations have experienced over the past few years have resulted in a drastic sea change in how we work and in our employees’, customers’ and clients’ expectations. But we can miss the mark in leveraging these opportunities if we’re not intentional, strategic and proactive.

In the spirit of truly wishing everyone the best of success in “upping your game” in 2023, I thought I’d share the following five considerations that I am using to guide my reflection and 2023 planning for our Firms:

  • Clarity: Dedicating time to confirm that our vision, mission, goals and values are clearly defined and described; and ensuring that there is a clear WHY behind the changes that we have implemented and plan to roll out.
  • Commitment: Confirming leadership alignment and commitment to the vision, mission, goals and values and to the intended direction.
  • Communication: Launching the year by articulating and reinforcing the vision, mission, goals and values, both directly through team meetings and in writing through our processes, policies and procedures. This will include communicating the clear WHY behind the changes we have made and will make.
  • Consistency: Establishing measures to monitor progress towards our goals and to ensure we don’t bypass implementing tough decisions. Hard things are hard.
  • Care: Religiously devoting time to indulge in self-care. There should be no goals that trump mental health and overall wellness. Vigilantly engaging in a rest, reboot and recharge regime is the most crucial factor to successfully staying on track and achieving established goals in 2023.

May this coming year be one of manageable pace and extraordinary impact for all of you. Have a great year!

Laura Williams

Managing Partner and CEO, Williams HR Law LLP and Williams HR Consulting Inc.

Laura has built two highly respected firms, Williams HR Law LLP and Williams HR Consulting Inc., which respectively provide proactive HR law and HR consulting advice designed to minimize workplace law challenges, maximize employee engagement and boost bottom line performance.

Laura is also a seasoned workplace investigator, routinely engaged to conduct complex workplace investigations, and organizational reviews and is recognized for specific expertise in investigations related to equity, diversity and inclusion.

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With an aim to contribute to the development of Canada’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s), Cmarketing Inc is a potential marketing agency and a boutique business management company progressing rapidly in its scope. By acknowledging a firm reliance of the Canadian economy over its SMEs, the agency has resolved to launch a magazine, the pure focus of which will be the furtherance of Canadian SMEs, and to assist their progress with the scheduled token of enlightenment via the magazine’s pertinent content.
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