Christina Ross is the President and Marketing Director at Silver Frog Marketing and loves helping businesses with their creative design and overall marketing efforts. She has spent the majority of her career in the marketing industry, gaining experiences in areas such as website design, social media marketing, TV/Radio broadcast, and Google marketing. While marketing is her primary job function by day, Christina also enjoys painting, yoga, and spending time with her family.
Create a Facebook Page and Join Facebook Groups relevant to your business
Due to the way, Facebook groups function they create a level of engagement and interaction not found in standard comment sections or other social media platforms. Facebook groups provide extra value for customers where they feel as if they are in on the most up-to-date information about your company and have a direct line of communication should they need it. These groups can act as a testing ground, can easily track brand growth, and creates a sense of community for your customers/ audience where they feel as if they have a part in the brand especially if the group requires you to accept invitations.
Social media today reports, Facebook Groups generally see higher levels of engagement than Pages – and posts from groups in which you’re regularly active are also given higher status in the News Feed algorithm – creating and maintaining a group can be a way to “beat” the algorithm and get your posts seen by your group members.
Create a LinkedIn Company Page and join LinkedIn Groups relevant to your business
Likewise to FaceBook, LinkedIn groups offer a higher degree of interaction and engagement than other social media platforms, therefore creating a sense of community. Using both Facebook and LinkedIn are platforms where basic communications campaigns can take place. You can create challenges, take surveys, test ideas, and put out thoughtful content positioning your business as an expert source in turn building your brand portfolio and reputability.
For example, if your business often does surveys and then puts out products or betters services based on this, your brand loyalty and trust in your brand will increase. People want to buy into companies that value their opinion and align with their own goals, if your company uses LinkedIn well, this can be reflective of that brand success.
Collect data
Use sign-up forms and collect the names and email addresses of your customers. A basic marketing staple is tailoring messages to your demographics. In understanding your audience, who they are, and their background, messages can be tailored to suit their interests. Additionally, by creating basic mailing lists you will ensure your customers are as up-to-date with information about your company as possible.
Send Emails
By using these lists to effectively email market, without spamming your customers keeps your business top of mind for your clients. Emails are a great way to spread the news and share information to your customers without necessarily “selling” them on anything”– Use those lists your collected to send emails to your customers. You should plan 1 Email Newsletter every month that is sent to your customer base. Email campaigns are a great way to stay engaged with your clients.
At least once a month create a new blog post on your website. You can then take that content and share it on your Facebook and LinkedIn pages and even include it in your next email newsletter. Blogs are also a way of providing free and engaging information to your audiences that is interesting but not necessarily a sales tool directly. For instance, a beauty brand could blog about the newest make-up trends without selling products. Any engagement on your content is beneficial for your brand as it keeps your business top of mind and subconsciously makes people think of you when certain topics come up. So when someone is shopping for new make-up they’ll think back to your article. It’s basic psychology.
Consistency is Key
In all your digital marketing efforts, make sure your brand, logo, colors, and tagline flow throughout. Consistency is Key. Be creative, know your customers, and how to speak their language. Instead of thinking “how can I sell this client”, think, “how can I prove myself to this client”. If you effectively do all these steps and follow the same formula for each to maintain consistency these are the basics to building a solid brand image and online identity. Once your customers see you offering digital value and encouraging them to digitally engage with you your audience’s loyalty will increase. You can also track engagement and brand growth through most digital platforms.
For more information on digital marketing be sure to visit and ask Christina and her team any questions you may have.